COP 21 Paris

Dr. Galluccio’s interview on climate change negotiation process – Paris 2015

Mauro Galluccio’s interview on the climate change meeting in Paris is up on the BBC website. Check it out here, 00:26!

It focuses on the importance of the national ratification and implementation processes of the agreement reached in Paris by 195 Nations on 12 December 2015. Moreover, to be successful, environment and science agreements require sustainable cooperation among the parties. It seems that science diplomacy is increasingly seen as a strategic tool that can mediate issues in foreign policy and aid difficult negotiations by enabling dialogue and successful engagements of third parties. However, science diplomacy cannot help without coordinating negotiating efforts that support deep understanding in the ways people think, feel, and act at both the individual and collective levels.

We cannot influence a world we do not understand!

We cannot influence geographical areas, countries, people and categories if we do not acknowledge and appreciate their frames of reference, negotiating styles, their culture, belief systems, Sacred Values, needs and motivations!

COP 21 Paris

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